Government and policy
The Alliance for Intellectual Property seeks to influence decision making in Westminster on behalf of our members and to ensure that we have the best possible IP framework in place to protect our creators. We do this in a number of ways by holding regular events and meetings with MPs across all parties, Government Ministers, Shadow Ministers, Select Committees and the All-Party Parliamentary Group.
We also engage with civil servants through roundtables and training seminars, for which we can bring together the diverse range of industry voices interested in maintaining the UK's world-leading IP regime.
Some major campaigning successes in recent years include:​
The establishment of British IP Day, an annual celebration of the cultural and economic contribution of intellectual property
The Digital Economy Act 2016, extending the maximum penalty for online copyright infringement from two to ten years
The establishment and continued funding of a dedicated Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU)
Extensive action to protect and promote IP (particularly online) included in the Government's Creative Industries Sector Deal